culine father; to achieve love through identification with the love source in his life-his mother; to be like a sister who receives the fa- ther's love; to escape the demands of masculinity on a temporary basis; and to express goodness, kindness, beauty and self esteem fac- tors associated with women and not with men.

6. WHY don't ALL boys become FPs? All children play dress-up in adult clothing, both father's and mother's. Many boys have worn dresses and didn't become FPs. What is the difference between one boy and another in this respect? While there may be some special pro or anti circumstances in the home life or in the individual himself, it may also be biological and as a genetic potential. Paderevsky was a great pianist and Kreisler a great violinist, probably for many different reasons but certainly for two which would have been genetic potentials, (a) man- ual dexterity and (b) tonal acuity. No amount of practice alone would have made them great without a high level of these two qualities. I suggest that there are two similar qualities that may be expressed in some boys and not in others and which could be genetically deter- mined. These are perceptivity and sensitivity. Both qualities could be dulled and inhibited by circumstances even though present in a high degree, but if they are of a low order the boy will not become an FP no matter how or when he is dressed in feminine clothing. By percep- tivity I don't mean just the ability to perceive in the sense of a synonym for "to see." No, I mean perceiving a total picture and not just portions and to see relationships and possibilities in what is perceived. Thus one boy perceives the feminine clothes in considerable detail - the color, fit, material, texture, attractiveness, style, etc., and their rela- tionship to the persons who regularly wear them. At the same time he is sensitive to the relationship between the kind of person who wears the clothing and what femininity means, i.e., that part of human- ness that is denied to him. Thus perceiving acutely and realizing sen- sitively the experience cuts deep. He FEELS its significance, it is plea- surable, and satisfying, but more than that it makes a connection with and temporarily gives back some of his own previously socially stolen SELF.

7. PROGNOSIS: The FP will continue above ground or underground till death or disability because once the need to express the full self has been realized, it will not lightly be overlooked, overlain, or for- gotten.